Physiologic Dentistry and TMJ Disorder

Physiologic Dentistry and TMJ Disorder

Team TMJ Disorder

Physiology studies how living things (of all sizes) and their parts function. It is used in dentistry when trying to achieve an overall sense of well-being as it relates to a patient’s oral health by making sure the parts are functioning properly. For the teeth, the jaw, and the surrounding muscles to last for many years to come, they have to be balanced and supported while operating pain-free in the proper position. 

When using this branch of science to treat TMJ disorders, many improvements are experienced by the patient - including better sleep. 

Let’s take a closer look. 

What is Physiologic Dentistry? 

This type of dentistry encompasses the study of your joint and jaw, as well as the muscles and other surrounding systems. It involves a deep look at the position of each of these parts, how well they work together, and if they successfully function as a whole. 

As it relates to TMJ disorders, physiologic dentistry addresses how a patient’s posture, sleep patterns, and airway are related to the symptoms. They then begin a quest to find balance between all of these areas. 

The result is an improved overall sense of wellbeing. 

Signs of TMJ Disorders

The signs of TMJ disorders will vary from person to person - especially since the disorder can appear for many different reasons. Though, a few of the most common symptoms are below.

  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Jaw pain
  • Clenching
  • Toothaches
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) 
  • Tooth pain

It is safe to say that TMJ disorders can interfere with all areas of one’s sense of well-being - and can lead to a decreased quality of life. 

With the possibility that day-to-day activities may cause or contribute to TMJ disorders, such as bad posture or sleep apnea, it is so important to seek healing by looking at the body as a whole. 

How Physiology Can Improve Sleep and Wellness

Most dentists focus on just one area at a time. For instance, treating TMJ disorders may traditionally focus on the jaw and joint and offer solutions to find relief solely based on these two things. Physiologic dentistry, however, addresses the root cause - and this can lead to better sleep. 

Here is an example. 

A high percentage of patients with obstructive sleep apnea are known to have TMJ issues. This is likely because their airway collapses at night and forces the lower jaw forward. By treating the sleep apnea, you are able to find relief from your TMJ symptoms. In other words, without the sleep apnea, there would be no TMJ pain. 

Not only will this give you a much better night’s sleep, but it will have you feeling refreshed and ready to start your day. And that’s a definite boost for your overall health. 

Find Relief from TMJ Disorders 

At TMJ Wellness Center, we don’t just focus on the specific TMJ issue you are having, but we look at the bigger picture so that you can find healing. Your teeth, jaw, joints, muscles, and more all play a role. We make sure that they are in alignment and have the support they need so that you can get relief from your TMJ disorder once and for all. 

To learn more about our approach to TMJ disorders, contact us today at 817-481-6888. Or, schedule a consultation online.