person hold three wood blocks representing TMJ disorder

How TMJ Orthodontics is Different

Team Uncategorized

For most people, when they hear “orthodontics”, straightening crooked teeth is what comes to mind. Nothing else. What most people aren’t aware of is that there are actually 2 types of orthodontics: Traditional and TMJ …

model of human skull with hand pointing to jaw joint

10 Most Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Team Uncategorized

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Disorder essentially occurs when your jaw is not working properly. While this may sound simple—pain concentrated in one particular area—the jaw actually exists at a primary crossroads of your body. This means …

woman sitting in front of laptop with head leaning on hand, eyes closed

How TMJ is Affecting Your Sleep

Team Uncategorized

When it comes to finding relief from TMJ, many dental professionals focus on helping their patients manage stress, decrease inflammation, and prevent grinding while sleeping at night. These are standard recommendations that can definitely be …

Welcome to Our New Site!

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Welcome to our new website! Check back for updates to our blog to get the latest news and information for our office. We are delighted that you chose to visit our site today and look …